从管理金钱到远程办公,实践360°解决道德陷阱的D.C. 澳门赌场官网
从左到右依次为:D.C. 酒吧 监管法律顾问 Hope Todd and Erika Stillabower with Dan Schumack
When attorneys licensed in the District of Columbia reach out to the D.C. 酒吧 ethics hotline for confidential advice, 有些人“惊讶地发现他们做了我们的道德顾问认为可怕的事情”,丹·舒马克说, partner at Schumack and Guggenheim PLLC and a member of the D.C. 酒吧 法律道德 Committee.
Schumack, one of the featured speakers at the D.C. 酒吧 Practice Management Advisory Service的第九届年度Practice 360°于10月4日与D.C. 酒吧 Associate Director of 法律道德 Hope Todd and D.C. 澳门赌场官网协会高级法律道德顾问Erika Stillabower在一个小组中讨论了日常法律实践中的情况,即个人或小公司的澳门赌场官网可能无意中发现自己陷入困境并失去执照.
“Some of those surprises are coming out when you call the ethics hotline. You might call thinking you've got problem X. And when you describe your situation to the folks on the hotline, 他们会说, “好吧, actually you have problems X, Y, 和Z,’” Schumack told attendees.
会议期间, Schumack和其他人关注的是如何正确管理客户的资金和支付,有时会令人困惑和复杂, 远程办公, and serving as local counsel for outside lawyers.
In the District of Columbia, 客户资金的处理和客户对所完成工作的付款由D管理.C. Rule of Professional Conduct 1.15. D.C. 规则类似于美国澳门赌场官网协会关于财产保管的示范规则, 有一个关键的区别, Schumack说.
“We've got an exception built into our Rule 1.如果你能让你的客户给予你知情同意, 在你真正开始工作之前,客户可以授权你(将预付款视为你自己的),他说.
如何处理资金取决于它是预付,按小时收费,还是保留. “我们通过合同建立了一种机制,允许你让你的客户同意某些活动将值一定数量的钱,舒马克说. “What those events are might be different in every area of practice. It might be different with every client. Whatever those payments are described as, [the caveat] needs to have a coherent rational nexus to the work you do.”
Unauthorized Practice of Law
D.C. 上诉法院规则第49条, which governs the unauthorized practice of law in the District, 去年进行了修订,为在特区没有执照的澳门赌场官网提供了更清晰的远程办公. 托德讨论了对可能在弗吉尼亚州或马里兰州家中工作的地区澳门赌场官网的实际影响.
Teleworking from another state through an office in Washington, D.C., for lawyers admitted to the D.C. 酒吧 is not a problem under Rule 49, 托德说, 而是, 澳门赌场官网在处理远程工作时需要谨慎和具体,因为对于什么构成未经授权的法律行为没有统一的标准,他们需要遵守他们工作所在司法管辖区的规则, such as Virginia or Maryland.
“If you are going to do any work in a state where you are not licensed, 或者如果你要在一个你有执照的司法管辖区工作,但是为一个你没有执照的客户或州事务工作, 你需要看看管辖这些有效司法管辖区的个别法律和规则,因为它们各不相同,而且差异很大,托德说.
“这些规定似乎大多是在电话出现之前制定的, much less the ability we have to practice law from space today. The [regulations] have not kept up with reality,” she added. “The pandemic certainly shot us way ahead, 我们看到的是司法管辖区的混乱,这样澳门赌场官网就可以在现实世界中运作. 但这并没有完全解决,他们仍在努力应对这些后果.”
自从1月6日在美国联邦法院起诉抗议者以来,有关地方澳门赌场官网监督代理澳门赌场官网的问题也越来越多.S. 国会大厦.
“当澳门赌场官网担任当地澳门赌场官网时,总会出现相当稳定的问题, 它可以是任何事情,从与首席澳门赌场官网的关系破裂或只是担心其他问题,斯蒂尔沃说. 经常, local counsel doesn't have a direct relationship of trust with the client, making it trickier sometimes to resolve concerns when they arise.
作为2022年更新规则49的一部分,对当地澳门赌场官网监督代理澳门赌场官网的要求进行了修订, 将“监督”重新定义为“作出合理努力,确保他人遵守适用的职业行为规则”.